Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Term 2 is underway!

Can you believe Term 1 is already over!?  We worked hard wrapping up our units the week before the break.  I'm proud of the work we did and can't wait to see all we learn in Term 2!

We have jumped right in to Term 2 this week.  In addition to new tables, new tablemates, and new class jobs, we have been busy working and learning.  We started our new Unit of Inquiry: How the World Works.  (See the Curriculum tab to learn more about this UOI)

In ELA, we have discussed the traits writers use when writing Narratives: characters, setting, problem/solution, zooming in on a 'small moment', and figuring out what it's meaning is.  We are also talking about theme and story elements.  We are doing a class read aloud of "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing". In addition to being rather funny, we are taking it a chapter at a time and discussing the story elements and traits evident in each chapter; then we are taking those skills to our own books during independent reading time.  Speaking of independent reading; we started our Term 2 reading contracts yesterday.  This term we will be required to read 1 non-fiction and 2 fiction books on our personal reading level.  We will be keeping the contracts and book assessments at school in our new classwork folders.  This way they are always available for updating!  In writing we will be working on narratives this term.  We've started by making a list of 'small moments' we would like to write about.  We are in the process now of beginning the writing process with our first piece.

In Math we are working on fluency with solving multi-digit whole numbers, showing our work, explaining our thinking, working through the Problem solving steps, and using algorithms to help us solve problems.  By the end of the week we will be working with word problems and equations with missing variables. (heads up: next week we begin multiplication- please practice/review multiplication facts!)

In Social Studies we have started our lessons on European Explorers.  We will be studying 6 explorers: Columbus, Cabot, Balboa, Ponce de Leon, Cartier and Hudson.  We will learn of their accomplishments, reasons for exploring, and obstacles they may have endured.  We are working with one explorer each day.  By next week we will be moving into the relationships the explorers had with the natives.

In Science we are starting our Astronomy lessons with the stars.  This week we will be focusing on the physical attributes of the stars and well as discussing the constellations.

Thanks for returning red folder items so quickly!  We actually have 3 field trips planned for this term so there will be more permission slips, etc, in coming weeks.  Also, remember your child should be reading 20-30 minutes each night and will have paper homework most every Monday-Thursday that you can find in the back pocket of their planner.  Please help them be responsible about bringing it home, completing it and returning it the next morning.  If you need more time on an assignment, just send a note or email letting me know :)

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